Personal Financing Loan for Unisel staff and employees/ Pinjaman Peribadi untuk pinjaman peribadi kakitangan Universiti Industri Selangor
English Version | Bahasa Melayu
Overview of Unisel
The University of Selangor (abbreviation: UNISEL; Malay: Universiti Selangor) is a university wholly owned and managed by the Selangor state government independently without funding from the Malaysian federal government (and is thus regarded as a "private" university as opposed to a "public" university. It operates from two campuses in Selangor, Malaysia.
UNISEL was established on 23 August 1999 as the first state funded semi- government university in Malaysia with the aim of providing tertiary education and opportunities for research and development within the broad sphere of industrial technology, management as well as information and communications technology. It began operations from a temporary campus in Shah Alam until its main campus in the township of Bestari Jaya, approximately 50 km away from the federal capital of Kuala Lumpur, was completed in 2005. UNISEL now operates from both the Shah Alam and Bestari Jaya campuses.
*source from Wikipedia
Universiti Selangor (Unisel)
Jalan Timur Tambahan
45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-3289 7336
Tags: pinjaman peribadi, personal loan, koperasi, pinjaman peribadi koperasi, personal financing, universiti selangor, unisel, universiti industri, pinjaman peribadi bank, bank personal loan, kowamas, yayasan perlis, rce yayasan, kobeta, ukhwah, bank rakyat, bank islam, epayslip, citibank
Description: Pinjaman peribadi bank dan koperasi kepada kakitangan Unisel dengan interest rate menarik. Mohon loan sekarang!