Personal Financing Loan for Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) employees / Pinjaman Peribadi untuk kakitangan SPAN
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Overview of Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
Vision: Towards a sustainable, reliable and affordable water service for all.
Mission: To regulate the water services industry throuth fair, effective and transparent implementation of Water Services Industry Act.
In a special sitting in January 2005, Parliament approved the amendments to the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution to transfer matters related to WATER SUPPLIES AND SERVICES from the State List to the Concurrent List (except for Sabah and Sarawak). The amendments were gazetted on 10th February 2005 and the enforcement date was 21st March 2005.
With the amendments, the Federal Government will regulate the water services industry in terms of licensing and regulating water services operators. The State Government also retains the power to declare and regulate water resources, water catchment areas and river basins.
In mid 2006, the Malaysian Parliament approved two landmark legislations that transformed the way Malaysia manages its water services, i.e. the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara Act (Act 654) or SPAN Act and the Water Services Industry Act (Act 655) or WSIA. The former outlines the roles, functions and scope of work to be undertaken by the National Water Services Commission or SPAN, while the latter has provisions to cover economic, technical and social regulations as well as protection of consumer interests. For more info please continue reading on SPAN official website.
Personal loans to employees of the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) employees.
At the moment, we only provide personal loan to employees with AG payslip (from Ministry of Finance (MOF). For contract basis is not eligible to apply loans from us.
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